Bella Trang Ngo

Country: UK
Company: Brarista
Bella Trang Ngo is the CEO and co-founder of Brarista, an innovative Fem-tech company specializing in AI-enabled bra-fitting technology. Brarista's mission is to provide women with the correct fitting bra by utilizing any digital camera. Bella is passionate about breast-related research and empowering consumers through technology. The inspiration behind Brarista was to address the issue of 80% of bra-consumers wearing ill-fitting bras, which can lead to physical discomfort and body-confidence issues. Leveraging AI, Machine Learning, and Visual Technologies, Brarista democratizes professional bra-fitting, benefiting both consumers and retailers by reducing costly returns and exchanges. The company's groundbreaking approach has earned recognition and funding from prestigious organizations like Innovate UK, Royal Academy of Engineering, MSDUK, and UCL Innovation and Enterprise.
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