Florian Mann

Country: Germany
Company: Fertila
Florian Mann is the founder and CEO of FERTILA & Die Kinderwunschärztin, a digital health and FemTech startup dedicated to providing relevant information and services to individuals facing difficulties in conceiving. Alongside his role as CEO of WERK1, known as the most startup-friendly place in Munich, Florian is committed to unlocking the massive potential for startups, entrepreneurship, and digitization in Munich and Bavaria, Germany. Together with his wife, he embarked on an entrepreneurial path to make a difference in the field of fertility. Through their boutique fertility clinic, 'Die Kinderwunschärztin' in Munich, they offer world-class medical services combined with the best patient experience, providing hope and support to those striving to fulfill their dream of having a child. With a dedicated team of three doctors, they are passionate about assisting individuals on their journey towards parenthood.
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