Joanna Fedorowicz

Country: Poland
Company: OvuFriend
The Founder and CEO of OvuFriend is a dedicated entrepreneur with a vision to use the power of big data and AI to drive better health outcomes for women. OvuFriend is a personalized, data-driven platform that helps women understand their intimate health, with the goal of faster conception or early detection of health issues. Supported by prestigious programs such as Google for Startups Residency and accelerator in Silicon Valley, OvuFriend collects and analyzes users' personal and health data daily, comparing it with millions of data points from other users. The platform provides each woman with personalized feedback and reports, combining AI-powered technology with a human-centric approach. With a strong leadership background and more than ten years of management experience, the CEO holds an Engineering degree from Warsaw University of Technology and an MBA from San Francisco State University. OvuFriend aspires to become a leading, personalized women's intimate health monitoring system, and their team of top-notch data scientists and analysts are dedicated to advancing ML and AI technologies to achieve this goal.
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