Ali Hashemi

Country: UAE
Company: GluCare Health
Ali Hashemi is an early-stage health-tech investor, focusing on blending human and machine solutions for healthcare challenges. He is also the Co-Founder and CEO of meta[bolic], known for top outcomes in healthcare. meta[bolic] operates GluCare.Health and Zone.Health, behavior-change clinical platforms for diabetes and weight management. Previously, Ali founded Amana Healthcare, acquired by Mubadala Healthcare in a significant regional healthcare deal. He also led the Middle East Healthcare Practice at Booz & Company and worked at Bain & Company's Healthcare and Private Equity Practices in New York City. Ali holds concurrent degrees in Medicine and an MBA from McGill University, along with a B.S.E. with Distinction from Duke University in BioMedical Engineering and Religion, and a minor in Chemistry. He serves on the Global Advisory Board for Duke's Fuqua School of Business and lectures for the Duke Global Executive MBA Program.
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