João Pedro de Magalhães
YouthBio Therapeutics Inc.
João Pedro de Magalhães did training in genetics at Harvard Medical School, started his lab at the University of Liverpool and, in 2022, was recruited to the University of Birmingham as Chair of Molecular Biogerontology. His lab combines experimental and computational methods to study the aging process,longevity and how we can manipulate it to fend off age-related diseases and improve human health.He is also a visiting scholar at the University of Oxford. Published over 100 scientific articles, given over 100 invited talks and received several awards (e.g., from the Gerontological Society of America, Marie Curie Association and the American Physiological Society). Had experience in industry having founded his own company (Magellan Science Ltd), serving as Chief Scientific Officer of YouthBio Therapeutics, a US-based biotech company developing rejuvenation gene therapies, and as advisor/consultant for various other biotech and health companies as well as nonprofit foundations.