Mihkel Jäätma

Country: United Kingdom
Company: Realeyes
Mihkel is the CEO of Realeyes, a company that specializes in webcam-based emotions measurement. He co-founded the company with Elnar and Martin in 2006 while he was studying for his MBA at Oxford University. Mihkel had a vision to create a ‘Google of Emotions” even before the term ‘Big Data’ was coined. He aimed to make Realeyes a world-leading business intelligence firm. Today, Realeyes is a technology leader in the emotions measurement industry. Mihkel is constantly looking for ways to establish Realeyes at the forefront of the industry. He has already secured multi-million partnerships with several international publishers, agencies, and brands. Mihkel's ambition, entrepreneurship, and vision have led Realeyes to become a successful technology company in the field of emotions measurement.
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