Kurma Partners Investors

With the best European actors in academic research, we have forged a solid network of partners to transform their disruptive scientific discoveries into drugs or advanced medical devices to diagnose and treat patients with serious or incurable diseases to date. We haveThe ambition to work with the main European research institutes, to build the health industry of tomorrow. For this, we have developed a singular approach. It is distinguished by our early involvement with research teams to define a planValidation of their discoveries and associate the best industrial experts and the most experienced entrepreneurs in order to create high -tech companies. We financially support the companies that we have thus created with the capital of our funds and invite other investors tojoin us. This new approach, which allows us to distinguish ourselves from most players in the world of health investment, will have allowed us to build more than 10 companies in the past ten years. We also intervene inYoung companies already created but always by involving us in its development thanks to our expertise and our network. We have thus contributed to the financing of more than 40 companies and many of them have become recognized leaders in their respective sector.From our job, we are actors in the health world and are committed to this contribution to sustainable development.