5Y Capital Investors

Regarding Wuyuan Capital, in Wuyuan Capital (formerly Chenxing Capital), we believe that if you do n’t have crazy you in your eyes, you will start to be believed that the world will be better.The real entrepreneur spirit is a kind of ability to wake up and change others to change, thereby promoting the ambitions of world progress.Wuyuan Capital praises this spirit and share this spirit with outstanding entrepreneurs.The initial initially of the entrepreneur of Weizhen is often not understood and difficult to recognize. Wuyuan Capital explores and deeply study through the corner of the corner to identify the real scarce entrepreneurs, dig and achieve their unique talents.Pride is not a big bustle, and the burden of rationality, dare to define self -self, define the world.Behind Wuyuan Capital is a group of people who want to achieve proud and are willing to pay the ultimate effort and long -lasting enthusiasm for pride.

Acquisitions Number: NA
Founded Date: 15/4/2008
Headquarters: Qingpu, Shanghai
Zip: NA
Investors Number: 274
Technology: Other type
Employee Number: 11-50
Industry: Digital Biomarkers
Number Of Exists: 17
Investor Type: Venture Capital
Investment Stage: Early Stage Venture, Seed