ObsEva Company

ObsEva is a Swiss-based biopharmaceutical company that specializes in developing innovative drugs for women's reproductive medicine, with a main focus on therapies for preterm labor. The company was founded in 2012 by Ernest Loumaye and Andr\xe9 Chollet, both with extensive experience in the biopharmaceutical industry. ObsEva is a clinical-stage company that aims to develop and commercialize therapeutics for serious reproductive health and pregnancy conditions.

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Founded Date: 2012
Last Funding Type: Post-IPO Debt
Headquarters: Plan-les-ouates
Investors Number: 17
Technology: Longevity FemTech
Employee Number: 1-10
Industry: Reproductive Health & Contraception
Estimated Revenue: $16. 32
Last Funding Date: 2019-08-08
Number Of Exists: Post-IPO Debt
Funding Status: IPO
Investor Type: Company
Investment Stage: N/A
Total Funding: $228,371,119