Imperial Innovations: Investments against COVID-19 UK Investors

Entity: Imperial Innovations
Category: UK Investors
Description: Imperial Innovations is a technology commercialization and venture capital investor that focuses on technology. Imperial Innovations is a technology commercialization and venture capital investor that focuses on technology. Imperial Innovations no longer invests in startups and now functions as the technology-transfer office of Imperial College. Imperial Innovations is focused on commercialising leading UK academic research sourced from the 'golden triangle' formed between Cambridge, Oxford and London. We are a technology commercialisation company that combines the activities of technology transfer, intellectual property protection and licensing, company incubation and investment. Innovations is focused on commercialising the most promising UK academic research across a broad range of technology sectors, and has developed particular expertise in: therapeutics, medtech, engineering and materials and information communication technology.

+ Investing in:

. Abingdon Health

Headquarters: United Kingdom
Funding Status: N/A
Employee Number: N/A
Investment Stage: N/A
Number Of Exists: N/A
Technology: COVID UK Funding&Support
Investor Type: N/A
Founded Date: N/A
Industry: COVID UK Non-governmental Bodies