Swoovy Company

Non-profits are in dire need of more volunteers, and while 90% of adult Americans say they want to volunteer, only 1 in 4 do. Swoovy solves the top 3 pain points to volunteering: 1) not enough time, 2) not enough information, and 3) no one to go with—the platform makes it easy to find daily volunteer opportunities you can sign up for with just a click, and allows you to pair up with someone to go with for the event. Singles can match, couples can create joint accounts, and on the roadmap friends and groups will be able to connect and book volunteer events together. Through eliminating the pain points and leveraging the psychology around partnership being a prime motivator in driving action (the "accountability partner" in health and wellness, the "wingman"), Swoovy can tap in to a broader audience, making volunteering easy and fit in to their daily priorities. At the same time, the business is unique in that it presents two revenue streams (users and non-profits), and the nonprofits are willing and wanting to co-promote the use of Swoovy to find a partner to volunteer with. Non-profits have a set-serve dashboard to list, promote, and track volunteer opportunities, while getting turn-key marketing support that they may not have in-house.

Headquarters: Austin, Texas, United States
Founded Date: 2018-07-23
Industry: Dating, Internet, Non Profit, Social Impact
Investors Number: 4
Employee Number: 1-10
Investor Type: For Profit
Funding Status: Seed
Total Funding: $318K
Last Funding Type: Pre-Seed
Technology: WealthTech