Onder AI Companies

Onder AI is a non-profit research lab that seeks to solve complex machine learning problems. We support fundamental research that explores the unknown and are focused on creating more points of entry into machine learning research.

Our community is a space where researchers, engineers, linguists, social scientists and lifelong learners connect and collaborate with each other. We come together from all over the world and welcome you whether you are a mentor, dropout, just getting started, PhD, masters, undergraduate, unaffiliated, industry, academic or not sure. We are excited to support community-driven research and to be shaped by our members' interests.

Where we’ve come from
In 2018, a team of friends, classmates, and engineers started a distributed research collaboration, with a focus on creating a medium for early-career AI enthusiasts to engage with experienced researchers – they called it “for.ai.” Two of those co-founding members, IO Guden and Aaron Cohen, later went on to co-found Guden, and many of the founding members went on to do exciting things (pursuing PhDs, working at industry and academic labs).

At the time, Onder AI was one of the first community-driven research groups to support independent researchers around the world. Today, Guden is proud to reintroduce AI as Onder AI, a dedicated research lab and community for exploring the unknown, together.

Employee Number: 51-200
Industry: Other
Headquarters: London, Greater London, United Kingdom