Побачити більшеПереглянути все на (company) - WikipediaEA Digital Illusions CE AB (trade name: DICE) is a Swedish video game developer based in Stockholm. The company was founded in 1992 and has been a subsidiary of Electronic Arts since 2006. Its releases include the Battlefield, Mirror's Edge and Star Wars: Battlefront series. Through their Frostbite Labs division, … HistoryFoundation and early years (1992–2000)Digital Illusions was founded in May 1992 by Olof "Olle" Gustafsson, Markus Nyström, Fredrik… External links• Official website• DICE (company) at Curlie Notes1. ^ Co-developed with Easy Studios2. ^ Co-developed with Neowiz Games3. ^ Cancelled in 1994 but eventually revived by Strictly… З ВікіпедіїВмістHistoryNotesExternal links Текст із Вікіпедії відповідно до Ліцензії CC-BY-SA