Melhorar Minha Cidade None
Melhorar Minha Cidade makes integration between citizens and public power. We believe that no change will happen without the active participation of those in your daily life who suffer from problems in your neighborhood, in your city. The population has a fundamental role in change, our country is immense, and not always the public power can reach the level of detail we need, we need to show the problems and give suggestions for improvement. We are a technological solution for issues of public relevance. We want a better country: We count on your participation, download the application and start showing the problems of your neighborhood. Request improvements, give suggestions, participate and win prizes: Help improve the city, use our app, take photos of the problem and give suggestions for improvement, and make a Better City, you compete for prizes. Worldwide: People are getting involved in the management of their city, wanting to be heard, and wanting to have more of an active voice. Exercise also your duty as a citizen.