Zalman Leib Abelsky People

After World War I had begun, he moved, or better said, ran with his family in Samarkand. There he continued to study in Lubavitch yeshiva. In 1946, the Jews got the rare opportunity to leave USSR. In 1947, based on the order of Rabbi Lubavitch, previously Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak, Reb Zelman went in shihut to Romania. Hestayed there three years and took care of Jewish education. Soon, a threat came across him - the Romanian authorities were interested ni the young Jewish, and rabbi Zalman received a new order - to move to Israel. He settled to Kefar Sava, which had just started to urbanize and together with famous Hasid Zushi, started to organize schools and kindergartens. Rabbi Zalman had worked as a principal of school rom Jaffa and Kefar Sava until he received a letter in which the actual Lubavicth recommended him ot move toKirvat Gat, where people asked ot eb organized Jewish schoolsfor their children. At the end of 1989, he was directed to Chisinäu. He celebrated Hanukkah 5750 (1989) in Chisinäu. Rabbi Zalman started the work enthusiastically. The second day after his arrival to Chisināu, yeshiva opened with one student. After 1 days, other students came. He made great efforts to open Jewish kindergarten and school. There were opened at synagogue classes for studying Tora, Jewish language and history of Israel state. He remained in the History of the Republic of Moldova as a good organi- zer and a man implicating in education.

Headquarters: Russia
Industry: Education