Israel Feldman People

He graduated the State University ofChisinau in 1964 and defended the the- sis at the State University ofTbilisi. He taught at the Faulty of Mathematics of the State University of Chisinau, made scientific works at the Institute of Mathematics of the Sciences Academy of Moldovan Socialist Soviet Republic. Since 1990 he set- tled in Israel and works asprofessor of mathematics at Bar-Ilan University of Ramat Gan. In 1965, together with Israel Gohberg, he developed methods of projections for solving the Toeplitz matrices with continuous symbols (Baxter - Gohberg - Feldman theorema) and, Gohberg and Feldman introduced an exhaustivetheory on projection methods for convolution operators, including the Toplitz matrices and their con- tinuous analogues. He is author and co-author of the works: Invertibiliy of Certain Fredholm Operators (2012), Convexity of Ranges and Connectedness of Level Sets of Quadratic Forms (2010), On the Connection Between the Indices of a Block Operator Matrix and its Determinant (2007), An Explicit Factorization Algorithm (2004), Partial Indices of Small Perturbations of a Degenerate Continuous Matrix Function (2002):On the continuity ofthe spectrum in certain Banach alegebras (2000), Convolution equations on finiteintervals and factorization of matrix functions (2000), On some properties of factorization indices (1998), Norms of the singular integral operator with Cauchy Kernel along certain contours (1996), etc.