Abram Fainshtein People

He graduated in 1914 the Department of Physics and Mathematics of the Nancy University (France). He fought on the front during the World War Iand he was awarded the honor badge Saint George. After the revolution of October, he joined the Communist Party. Since 1920, he worked for the People's Commissariat of the Foreign Commerce of Russia. In 1920, he was empowered by the commissariat of Sweden, subsequently he was in a special mission in Berlin in order to open a bank for the foreign commerce. In 1922, Russia authorized him for the exterior commerce in Italy.In 1925, he continued to work in the People's Commissariat of the Foreign Commerce of Russia, occupying the position of deputy chief of theregulation depart-ment. In 1936, he occupied the position of deputy commercial representative of USSR in Germany. He made a series of works at the metallic replacers for plastic materials, he organized and provided the production of these elements for TU-2 aircrafts.He occupied of the organic glass, the development of sealer and technology for sealing the cockpits, he worked in designing the protected reservoirs with fuel. OnAugust 18th, 1943, he was appointed as chief of nonmetals laboratory in the designing office of A. Tupolev. He provided the introduction of anti-icing electrothermal devic- es, electric heating windows for the cockpits, strong radio system and other installa-tions for passenger and military aircrafts.