Jacob Guinsburg People

Among his works are Stanislavski and the Moscow Art Theater, Adventures of aWandering Language - Literature Essay and Yiddish Theater, Leone De Sommi: A Jew in the Italian Renaissance Theater, Historical Guide to Hebrew Literature, Dictionaryof the Brazilian Theater, Theater Dialogues, Stanislavski, Meierhold Cia & Rehearsalsof Russian Theater, Theater Semiology, Da Cena em Cena and numerous essays on theater aesthetics and history, translations and editing of several works on Diderot,Lessing, Buechner and Nietzsche.As editor he participated in the publishing houses Rampa 1946, Perspectiva,European Book Diffusion - Difel, later founding the current Editora Perspectiva dedi-cated to the edition of avant - garde works. He took philosophy courses at theSorbonne 1962 and 1963. Alwaysfollowing the innovative movement of Brazilian the-ater and arts, he is called by director Gerald Thomas as an essayist and avant-gardeacademic. He began his intense career as a professor of theater criticism at the Schoolof DramaticArt (EAD) in 1964, laterjoining- 1967 at the School of Communicationsand Arts at the University of São Paulo, ECA / US, finally assuming the chair of the- atrical aesthetics in which he he became a trainer and stimulator of a large number ofthe main critics, theorists and masters of Brazilian theater, having received the title of Professor Emeritus.