Israel L. Crausman People

Israel L Crausman immigrated to America at the age of thirteen and therefore received part of his education in Russia, the rest at Public School No 40, New York City, at Morris High School, and at Cooper Union, from which he received the degree of Bachelor of Science in engineering in 1919. He began as an architect in 1920 in offices at No 2035 Southern Boulevard. The year 1923 found him established at No 370 East One Hundred and Forty-ninth Street, and he has recently moved to larger quarters at No 341 East One Hundred and Forty-ninth Street.As most of his work has been done in The Bronx, Mr Crausman may literally be said to have contributed largely to the building up of the section. Of the total of the $50,000,000 worth of work of construction he has designed, on $230,000 worth was in the shape of alterations. Most of his buildings have been apartment houses, and he has more or less specialized in the five and six-story brick variety. he has, however, de- signed many dwelling houses, including twenty-eight two story brick dwelling, for the newly developed section between Bronxwood and Spalding avenues, and he has been called on for plans for theatres, school buildings and almost every type of commercial structure. he serve as president of the B.R.C. Building Corporation for a year, and su-pervised the erection of a building worth $250,000 on the southeast corner of Grand Avenue and Evelvn Place.

Industry: Architecture