Tracy Sun None

PoshmarkAccording to 2 sourcesTracy Sun is the co-founder and vice-president of merchandising at Poshmark, one of largest peer-to-peer fashion resale platforms. Sun was at the helm of turning the Silicon Valley start-up into a giant community marketplace for fashion, which boasts over 4 million sellers, and was among the first e-commerce platforms to go mobile-first.Tracy Sun | BoF 500 | The …businessoffashion.comTracy Sun is the co-founder of Poshmark. She spent the last 15 years between NYC and Silicon Valley at the intersection of fashion and technology. Poshmark has over 4 million sellers on its platform, and the company is projecting annual revenue to be over $150 million for 2018.Poshmark Co-founder Trac…refinery29.comFeedback