Albert Vainshtein People

Throughout his life, A. Vainshtein dealt mainly with the problems of macro- economic statistics, investigated the long-term dynamics of changes in incomes and prices, anticipating the cliometric direction of the new economic science by a decade. Other areas of Weinstein's research work included the development of economic and mathematical methods, the methodology of economic statistics, solving problems to optimize agricultural production, the development of software for accounting for na- tional wealth.A significant influence on Soviet economic science was exerted by the biblio- graphies of works on domestic and world statistics and economic mode-ling compiled by him, studies of the function of savings, the effectiveness of capital investments, analysis of the dynamics and structure of national income, criteria for the optimality of theeconomy. He was the first in world science to apply the method of continuous inventory of fixed assets in assessing the peoples wealth. Under his editorship, the collective work National Economic Models. Theoretical questions of consumption(Moscow, 1963).Already by 1960, Weinstein completed his monumental work The People'sWealth and National Economic Accumulation in Pre-revolutionary Russia, the next year he defended his doctoral dissertation, since 1962 he was a professor.