Jacob M. Landau People
In 1958 he joined the Hebrew University's department of political science where he lectured until 1993 when he left as a full professor emeritus. During those years he also served as a part-time professor of political science at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat-Gan, Israel, in addition to the Hebrew University. He also served as visiting professor at foreign universities in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlandsand Turkey.Landau was one of the founders of the Israel Oriental Society in 1949 and served as its first secretary. Member of the Israel Association of Political Science andits president in 1993-1998. Also member of the Centre Internationaldes Etudes Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes (Paris), honorary member of the Turkish Historical Society (Ankara) and others. Member of the editorial board of several journals and of thecentral editorial committee of the Encyclopedia Judaica, 2nd edition. Landau's mainthemes of research are Ottoman and Middle Eastern ideologies and nationalist move-ments, political radicalism, minorities, pan-Islam, pan-Turkism, politics and languagein Central Asia. His published works are 23 books. He has also edited 12 books and has written numerous book-reviews in specialized journals and various encolone-dias. His books and articles were published in ten different languages: Hebrew, Arabic, Turkish, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Russian and Chinese.