Albert Orenstein People

In 1971, Orenstien was designated anadministrative judge for criminal justiceby the New York State Appellate Division, serving six-county Fifth Judicial District. Orenstien served four consecutive terms on the Onondaga County Board of Supervi- sors and Syracuse Common Council, holding the position of Majority Leader for both bodies. He retired from the bench in 1975. Orenstein was a member of the New York State Bar Association, the American Bar Association and County Judges Association. He was an officer of the Judicial Section of the New York State and the Council of Judi- cial Associations. A two-term president of the board of directors of the Syracuse Boys Club, Orenstein played a major role in organizing the Old Boys Association of the club, and served two terms president of its board. In 1965, the Boys Club of America cited him for long and devoted services to boys.A long term member of Temple Society of Concord, Orenstein was named pres- ident of its board of trustees after serving as assistant secretary for many years. He served several years terms as president of the Bureau of Jewish Education and director of the board of the Jewish Home of Central New York. He formerly served as president of Louis Marshall Lodge, B'nai Brith. He was a member of Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity, and received its Distinguished Alumnus Award in 1967 for outstanding service per- formed on behalf of his college fraternity and community