Alexander Kleynman People

In 1940, he defended the thesis of Doctor's degree on the theme Main insti- tutes of Soviet civil process and principles ofenacting terms and competition. Since 1941 - professor and chief of the civil process department of the Law Institute ofMoscow of USSR, theLaw Institute of USSRProsecutor's Office, the Academy of Law and Academy of Military Law. During 1941-1944 - chief of judicial law department anddeputy director for scientific and educating field of the Law Institute of Tashkent.Since 1944, he is Professor at the Faculty of Law of the State University ofMoscow, during 1954-1968 - chief of Civil Procedure Law Department. He waspresident of sub-commission for the elaboration of Civil Procedure Code of USSR, Commission for the development of Civil Procedure Fundamentals of USSR since1962, Civil Procedure Code of RSFSR of 1964. He is the author of scientific works in the field of civil law, theory of evidences in civil procedures, appeals and contestations of judicial decisions, including the manual published repeatedly for law schoolsCivil Procedure (1937, 1940, 1954, 1964), monographs Participation of third parties in civil process (Irkutsk, 1927), On the insolvability of persons according to the Soviet procedure law (1929), Main questions ofthe theory of evidences in the Soviet civil process (1950), Civil Process of European countries of humans' democracy (1960), V. .I Lenin regarding the rule of law, court and prosecutor's office (1991) etc.