Iziaslav Chaikovski People

He graduated the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the State University of Chisināu in 1961. Since 1961 until 1991, he worked as scientist at the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Moldovan SSR in the laboratory of physical kinetics under the guidance of the academician Victor Kovarski.There were in thesis for Doctor's degree questions related to the kinetics of re- combination in semi-conductors in external fields, which he defended in 1968, he defended the Doctor's degree in physical-mathematical sciences in 1982 by the the- sis themed Kinetic effects of high frequency under non-equilibrium conditions in non-homogenous semi-conducting structures and semi-conducting structures. Since 1991, he settled in Israel. During 1991-1995, he conducted a research team atTel Hai College. During 1995-2007, before retiring, he was scientist and professor within the department of mathematics and informatics of the Ben Gurion University of Beersheba. In the last years of his life, he implicated in the public education in the fieldV of diabetes and published a series of articles and a book on this subject.He proposed an online method for monitoring the condition of diabetes pa- h tients - an online automated system for monitoring the condition of patients, whichincluded a web site and a mobile application, he created a company for this purpose, Normal Blood Sugar Level (HoaCaxap).

Headquarters: Israel
Industry: Medicine