Jacob Bernstein-Cohen People

After the wave of pogroms in southern Russia in 1881, he devoted himself toHibbat Zion and Zionism. As a delegate to the First Zionist Congress, he was electedto the Zionist Actions Committee. He administered an information center called theZionist post office, which informed Zionist branches in Russia, numbering aboutone thousand, of developments in the movement. He was a leading member and ide- ologist of the Democratic Fraction (1901) and was one of the leaders of the RussianZionist opposition to the Uganda Scheme. Settling in ErezIsrael in 1907, he worked as a doctor in Lower Galilee and in Petah Tikvah.He was a founder of the Medical Association of Erez Israel (1908). In 1925, but accepted a proposal of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee to serve asa physician in the Jewish agricultural settlements in the Ukraine. In 1907, Bernstein- Cohen settled in Palestine, worked as a doctor in the Lower Galilee and Petah Tikva, and became the first district doctor of the Jewish colonies in the country. At the end of1910 he returned to Chisināu, was a vowel of the Chisināu City Duma, participated in the preparation of the Seventh Congress of Russian Zionists in 1917 in Petrograd andwas a member of its presidium, then was elected to the Constituent Assembly from the Bessarabian province. In 1921together with M. Gotlib and N. Roitman became the founder of the Society of Handicraft and Agricultural Labor of Bessarabia.

Headquarters: Israel
Industry: Sodial Impact