Bookimed Limited company
Bookimed is a leading international platform for finding the best medical facilities and trip arrangement in the world. 300,000 users from different countries visit our website every month. And our mission is to help each of them find the best possible solution for their medical issue. How do we realize our mission? Develop the most significant medical marketplace, where a person can book a clinic, compare prices, and read patient reviews. Find out medical facilities where top doctors perform exclusive surgeries and apply innovative treatment methods, including artificial intelligence in different specialties. Consult and match (not sell) an option for each patient individually Provide organizational and logistical support during the medical trip Support our patients throughout a whole way of treatment and keep in touch with them even after their return home. Bookimed is a team representing patients foremost. Mutual assistance, honesty, and liability are among our core values. We do not just code, write texts, or consult on medical matters but help a patient solve his/her issue efficiently and easily, from our website on out to medical travel.