Serenus.AI Companies

Serenus.AI is a healthcare technology company that aims to improve medical treatment decisions and patient outcomes. The company has a team of medical experts and machine learning specialists who have developed a unique patented technology that has been validated in practice. Serenus.AI is currently active in Europe and the US and has received grants from four government entities in Israel. The company has received several awards, including the Top AI start-up company in "Healthcare Innovation Landscape 2020" and the 58th Most Influential Woman in the Tech World.

Estimated Revenue: $1M to $10M
Last Funding Date: 2020-08-01
Investors Number: 6
Industry: Biotech & Health Care Tech
Funding Status: Seed
Technology: Machine Learning
Employee Number: 11-50
Headquarters: Israel,Tel Aviv
Last Funding Type: Grant
Total Funding: 2700000.0
Founded Date: 2017.0