1. Curewize 2012-01-01
5. infiBond 2013-01-01
6. Essence Group 1994-01-01
7. Serenus.AI 2017-03-15
8. Eco Fusion 2014-01-01
9. Med Shield 2016-02-01
10. DavidShield 2000-01-01
11. Medirisk 1999-01-01
12. KBIS 2002-01-01
14. Madanes Insurance Agency 1972-01-01
15. Futura Genetics 2019-01-01
16. Jgive 2015-01-01
17. Amitim 2006-01-01
18. Napa Insurance 2001-01-01
19. Buenavida
20. Ctrl 2021-01-01
21. IsraelGives 2009-01-01
22. MediMe 2020-01-01
23. Pink Of View 2017-12-31
24. Abracadabra Robotics 2014-01-01
26. Entou Labs 2016-11-01
29. CannBe 2019-01-01
30. PocketCause 2015-01-01
31. Deep Breeze 2001-01-01
32. CardioArt Technologies 2005-01-01
33. Livnat Foran 2003-01-01
34. Dayzz 2018-01-01
35. OmegaMore 2013-01-01
36. Bio-Gaia 2011-01-01
37. V4/Twenty 2016-11-01
38. Dream 2014-01-01

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