1. Pace 2020-06-02
2. Revolve Robotics 2012-03-01 00:00:00
3. Zentor 2018-01-01
4. Thrive 2012-01-30
6. Building Blocks 2007
8. Flook 2014
9. Sportable 2015
10. SafeToNet 2013-01-01
11. Alison
12. Woman in Leadership 2006-03-01
13. BruBotics 2015-01-01
14. Bansen Labs 2014-11-24
15. Bo&Bo 2015-02-01
16. Oomph Wellness 2011-01-04
17. MyCognition 2012
18. Jiayou Xueyuan 8-14
19. Zhaole 2014-11-04
21. Kello 2015-05-02
22. Aspire Zone 2008
23. DUPLAYS 2007
24. Taaleem 2004
25. UCAS 2004-11-25
27. Babydestination 2017-01-01
28. Babymigo 01-03-2017
29. NCT Charity 1956-01-01
30. UpTodd 2019-02-04
32. Vesta 1981
35. Zum 2015-02-01
36. Babytree 2006-01-01
37. Xplor 2015-09-01
38. Babycare 2014-01-01
39. Lisnen
40. siosLIFE 2014-05-14 00:00:00
43. Superbloom 01-01-2020
44. Sidekicks 6/1/2015
46. Babilou
47. acet UK
50. Axisweb
56. KKJZ
58. WeThrive
71. FIRST 1989-01-01
73. KFAS
74. Kids Club
76. YMCA Greater Nottingham 1871-01-01
95. Bhumi
97. Raise5
98. Philafy
103. Wren Music
107. United Way
115. Scouttrack
116. Scenesat
119. RaceNation
133. Tandem 2015-01-01
134. The Joy Club 2020-01-01
135. Enabled You 2019
136. Noon - The Social Learning Platform 2013-01-01 00:00:00
137. Chatterbox 2016
139. TriplePlay
140. Tact
141. Irisbond
142. Goodwall
144. CRSP dsgn
146. RTBI
147. Huddle
148. Wanzhu
149. 4YOU2
150. TBB
151. MySitter
152. Progame
154. ARSEA
163. Inspired
169. Skids
170. Tictoccroc
171. VigourApp
174. IPETH
178. Ojam
181. Surfriend
183. Anoori
188. Youpendo
190. Prol Educa
192. Synintra
194. Balondekor
195. Anitama
201. Isokinetic
211. Chenzao
214. CareHouse
224. Grit
227. Tiney
231. Panion
233. Alvanista
234. Amuse Labs
235. Anobii
242. Belugames
243. Brili
247. Famly
250. Frientrip
251. GoTombola
252. Heroic
255. Iubi
259. lingkaran
261. Neosilver
262. Omoguru
263. Parent
264. PhilSmile
265. phraseup*
267. Remini
268. Rigolo
269. SCOLA
274. UbiSim
275. Underdogs
278. Xamcheck
283. Egregora
284. Fazinova
287. Mundo4D
290. SoulDelas
293. GrowingMom
296. Parasource
299. TABI
300. Dedeman
307. BNF
308. Mamica
311. Knowize
312. TimeMarket
315. Sekka
316. TrybГј
317. EduK
321. Topbright
323. Denk mit!
334. Happy Days
336. Kindercare
341. Pasta King
348. Tripalocal
350. Zenparent
352. Anolzzang
353. DevCup
355. La Fageda
356. BookBox
357. eBlitz
360. Conapred
363. AEGEE
373. Deedmob
374. Easy Peasy
375. Edsential
378. Encore
379. Fonk
380. GenieLab
381. Skooly
382. Happity
383. iBucket
384. Joytingle
385. Kidaura
387. lululittle
389. Makerpeer
393. Näpp
394. reignite
395. RunSociety
403. Third Door
404. 32CM
405. Trackd
409. WeGym
411. WriteSome
415. Yea Studio
417. NavGurukul
418. Tinystep
420. Hobiz
421. Adalab
422. Pekebook
423. Cimbria
426. duPhonics
427. VMonkey
428. Quadby
430. Sikana
432. Cit Upc
433. 100minds
435. 5050 Sync
436. Ada Growth
437. AFK
441. ALX
443. Aphetor
445. Arobase
447. Austswim
452. Barnfonden
453. Barre Body
457. BCIU
458. BG3000
459. Big Change
462. Thebhub
464. Bloxo
468. Boxenland
473. Busy Bees
474. Buurtwerk
476. Caparis
477. Captionism
479. Care-Line
480. Carlotas
481. CAYSH
484. Coschool
486. Cribber
492. Deporocio
494. Digireha
495. Dikke Deur
496. Dimmle
497. DKJS
499. Dobeq
500. CelemГ­n
501. CfDP
504. Check123
510. CICE Macau
527. eyLog
529. Feelipa
532. Fluid Next
538. The FunDza
540. Game On
546. Giggletree
548. Globe4all
556. Helpcode
558. Hetis
559. Heutink
561. HiMama
563. HoloEyes
568. Inventivio
569. Iplay
571. Jaleesa
573. JINC
574. Kalendit
580. Kidact
581. Kiddet
584. Kinder m8
586. Kinderwoud
587. kinemarket
590. Korein
594. Larcom
601. MacDowell
602. Mamicenter
603. Maranatha
604. Mariestads
607. Meridianos
608. MetroWorks
609. METS
610. Mikz
614. Momspresso
615. Movisie
616. Mudchute
617. Bites
618. Napp
620. Nibblr
624. NurtUp
625. Ophea
626. Op Stoom
635. PITZ
636. Play Sense
637. SHUFL
639. Potje Knor
642. EEG
644. Projexia
664. Rezzil
666. DRA
669. ROAM
682. sCoolMeal
686. SED Center
687. Seeding Labs 2007-01-01
699. Simloc
700. Simons Foundation 1994-01-01
703. Sittery
709. SoCalMoms
713. SocialXP
716. Sportfever
718. Sportlo
719. sQoolink
723. Stade21
731. Status4
732. STaY FaIR
733. SterniPark
743. Swazoom
748. Ta2heal
749. Task-K I
754. TeamKids
763. Big Green
773. Timixi
777. curendo
780. Tonara
783. TrackScale
784. Transfuge
786. Triodus
789. TCS Access
792. Tutor Time
793. Unicon
794. Unitea
798. UpActive
801. VarCity
807. Villa '96
815. W3B
821. GeniusU
825. WEPAN
831. WILS
832. WIPPS
843. YKROK
850. Yushino
851. ZAB
855. ZoWieZo
860. ARDC
864. Ziraf
866. Ridely
872. Hapara
886. Playbook
893. Aprentica
898. teamJOE
900. Jouvence
904. BBuzzArt
906. Culture24
914. Kidola
915. Kinderrijk
921. Helpcity
922. stjg
923. Nonomo
926. Startit
929. Kidling
933. So.Capital
938. TxDLA
948. DIY Girls 2011-05-10
953. DokLab
955. Pravah
959. VGPGK
962. JCI Malta
980. Promom
983. Poncho
1000. Pivot
1002. MIK
1006. CHA Seminars
1009. Codelit
1010. WYKER
1013. Project Muse
1015. Namati
1021. Save Venice
1026. Cybersalon
1027. Pro Media
1031. CAADE
1032. ACC
1033. AcroSports
1034. ClapHandies
1042. OtheReality
1050. Olhi
1053. Achieve
1056. GiantLeap
1057. OSHClub
1059. uTaP
1061. Ecole 360
1062. Paralym Art
1064. Bimbasket
1068. NFT Mawazo
1069. Fuse
1070. Alicerce
1075. PhET
1076. PK Fitness
1078. DAAD
1085. E-mma
1087. WeeCare
1092. PTSIR
1096. Wallbuilder
1101. SAPOA
1102. Re:Coded 2016-01-01
1104. OpgroeiGids
1105. StartupCafe
1106. CineMaterna
1113. Bednet
1123. Nananke
1124. Spokane Club
1133. Okiolabs
1134. Quebble
1144. ACES 1928
1146. ARNEC
1147. Elisabeth
1148. Noisebridge
1150. Demiogene
1155. UpBup
1159. Sunset Games
1160. Tweegee
1162. RingOn
1164. Signinum
1166. Sillo
1171. STAR MED
1173. ChlgClub
1176. NEURS
1179. Europa Press
1182. RRD
1193. Soulcenter
1201. Brella
1202. CampRooster
1203. CEUFast
1208. Daycare Owl
1211. Educa Studio
1212. FanAngel
1213. FLIIST
1214. Frenalytics
1215. iChamp
1216. Kimochis
1217. Koru Kids
1218. Librarica
1219. Like Center
1220. Little Vista
1222. MathBRIX 2016-01-01
1223. Minnestar 2006-01-01
1224. Mirasee
1225. MyWoosah
1226. GamerNook
1227. OneStep TSP
1229. xHood
1230. PeerKnect
1233. Saatchi Art
1235. ScreenLimit
1237. Sittr
1238. Socialigence
1239. SpEd@home
1240. Sponsoo
1241. Wanslea
1242. WithOthers
1243. Zumbini
1250. Tadpoles
1254. TeacherCare
1255. Cover5
1256. HackBeanpot
1257. HMDT Music
1258. Ender
1259. LaunchGen
1260. Piazza
1262. Spot Fitness
1268. KAYR
1275. TribTalk
1278. Vylo
1279. Uminca
1280. CODAME 2009-01-01
1281. Uterish 2016-01-01
1284. Creciendo
1287. GoodTalk
1288. SFMOMA
1290. Voix
1292. VT PRSSA
1293. StarzMe
1298. DebateWise
1302. ULTA
1307. TeamEinsNull
1321. Rishi Valley
1326. Amberer
1328. Youtz
1330. SimVenture
1331. Bunchrides
1334. IEDTA
1335. SANFL
1338. CoordiKids
1343. Ven Racing
1347. Dixon Hall
1348. Sport BC
1350. United Women
1356. Hokids
1359. Hao Gugu
1360. Mama
1361. Miaohai
1363. Shin Kosha
1364. PKball
1365. QQfamily
1366. TianTong
1367. Ukin
1370. YooTnn
1372. Niangao-mama
1373. Coempopular
1375. Accelerated
1380. CCLD
1383. Domissori
1385. Grandir
1386. Kinougarde
1388. WELY
1393. Baumhaus
1394. Bibkosh
1396. SoCoWorld
1398. CL Educate
1400. HRI
1401. Kleinetics
1402. ONI Cares
1403. Searchtrack
1404. Wiseswan
1406. Thinkpot
1411. Extratime
1413. 4ID
1414. FanFund
1415. Prolanthropy
1417. Formever Lab
1421. LabBase
1422. Manabing
1423. TASUC
1425. Baby Park
1426. Happy Note
1427. JACPA
1432. Wee Media
1433. CoCo World
1439. Hevre
1440. Divers Media
1441. Youth Zone
1443. KinderPass
1444. Phyltime
1445. Teamlabs
1446. BarnSam
1447. STC
1449. Ananas Club
1451. OMA
1452. Estro Group
1453. KNVB
1454. KinderCamp
1456. Freespace
1463. SMG Insight
1464. SchoolX
1467. Bindr
1468. FunTech
1471. Pebbles Care
1473. Accepta
1483. Stoke-on-Trent City Council 1910-01-01
1484. UCU
1485. Velo-Trainer

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