47. Boom Capital 2017-01-01
49. Boost VC 2012
50. Bootstrap Europe 2015
51. BootstrapLabs 2008-06-01
52. Booz Allen Hamilton 1914-01-01 00:00:00
53. Boreal Ventures 2021-01-01
54. Born2Grow 2013-01-01
56. Bosch 1886
57. Bose Ventures 2016-01-01
59. Boston Angel Club 2014-01-01
60. Boston Harbor Angels 2004-01-01
61. Boston Millennia Partners 1984-01-01
62. Boston Syndicates (BOSS) 2013-12-12
65. Boutique Venture Partners 2020-05-01
67. Bow Capital 2016-07-18
70. Boxer Capital 2005-01-01
71. Bpifrance 2012-12-31
72. Bracket Capital 2017-01-01
73. Braemar Energy Ventures 2002-01-01 00:00:00
74. Bragiel Brothers 2016
76. Brainstorm Ventures 1999-01-01
82. BRC Innovation 2016
83. Break Trail Ventures 2018-01-01
84. Breed Reply 2014
85. Breega 2013-04-01
87. Bregal Sagemount 2012-05-15 00:00:00
89. Brewer Lane Ventures 2019-01-01
90. Breyer Capital 2006-07-11
91. BRI Ventures 2018-12-01
92. BridgeLane Capital 2009-11-10

«AI in Israel»

  • — Organisation
  • — investor and funding support bodies
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