1. 10Qbit
4. 123eyes
5. 1E
6. 1LoD
7. 21six 2017-05-21
8. 3AI 2018-12-12
10. 5ire
11. 9fin 2016
13. Aave 2017
15. ABAKA Holdings 2016
16. Abatable
19. Abel
20. Ably Realtime 2016
21. Abrdn 1825-04-15
23. Absurdia
25. Accelex
26. AcchaLabs 2017.0
27. Accloud
28. Accountagility 2010
30. Accuracy
32. Acin
33. action.ai 2015
35. Acuity Trading 2013-01-08
36. Acunu 2009
37. Ad-Lib.io
38. Adaine
39. Adappt
41. AdinCube 2016
42. Admedo 2012
43. Adqura 2011
46. ADVSR 2021.0
47. AFintech
52. Agency Core 2014
60. AI-XPRT 2015
61. Aiden.ai
62. Aidentity
64. Aiimi 2007
65. AimBrain 2014
66. AINews 2015
67. Aire Labs
68. AIRPA 2018-01-01
69. Airslip
71. Aistemos 2013-08-09
73. AITrading 2017
74. Aiviq
75. Aizenit
76. Akixi 2008
77. ako
78. Akoni Hub 2015
81. Alfa iQ
82. AlgoDynamix Ltd. 2014
83. Algomi 2012-06-25
84. Algomo
85. Algospark
90. AlliedCrowds 2014
92. Almax Analytics 2015
93. Alpha Quants 2015
94. Alpha Tech Capital 2013-04-01
95. Alphaletz
97. Alpima 2014
98. Alterest 2016-01-01
100. AltFi
101. Altio
103. Alts
104. AltSignals.ai 2020.0
105. altynex.io 2021-06-10
106. AMCL
107. Ampliphae
108. AMPLYFI 2015
109. AMR International 1991
110. amzu
111. AnalystPro
112. Anaylin 2014
113. Ancoa Software 2010
114. Ango
116. Answermatic 2019
119. Anycareer 2018
120. Apama 2020
121. Aperidata
122. Appian UK
123. Applied Blockchain 2016
125. Appredict 2016
127. AppsForce
128. Appsumer 2015
129. Aprexo 2017
130. Apron
132. AquaQ Analytics 2011
133. Arabesque AI 2019
134. Arbolus
135. arc-net 2014
136. Archax 2018
137. Arena 01.03.2019
138. Argent 2017
139. Argo Blockchain 2016
140. Argus
142. Arkera 2015
144. ARMS R&D
146. Art World Insights 2019
147. Artech 2000 2000
148. Artelligen
150. Artificial Labs 2013-11-01
151. Artos Systems 2018
152. ArtuData 2014
153. Aruws
155. Ascential
156. Asgard
158. ASK AMA 2018.0
159. Asklogix
160. Assettrac
161. Assetway
162. Assist AI 2015
163. Assure360
164. AstraZeneca 1999-04-06
166. Athena AI
167. Atlas 2017-07-13
168. Atoa
169. Atom Bank 2013-07-31
172. Attio
173. AudienceRate Ltd 2010
176. Auquan 2018
177. Aurelia
183. Autonomyx
184. Autosphere 2019.0
185. Avagio
186. Avail
187. Aveni
188. Avnio 2019
189. Avonshire
190. Avora 2014
191. avvoka 2015
193. Awaken IT
194. AxioWorks
195. AXLE
196. Aya Data
197. Aztec
200. Bakuun
202. Banked N/A
204. Banq Systems 2012
205. Barac 2016
206. BarteroPay
207. BC Partners 1/1/86
209. Beebot AI
210. Behavox 2014
211. Belay 2020-03-01
212. Ben 2019-11-27
213. Benivo
214. Berenberg
218. BidFX
220. Billon Group 2015
221. Binmile
222. Bioledger
223. Bite Investments 2018-11-01
224. BitSecure
225. Bitsmarter 2018
226. Bitstamp 2011
227. Bjss
228. Black Cape
229. Blackfox
230. Blicx
231. BlinkPool
232. Bloc Ventures 2013-01-01
234. Blockchain.com 2011
240. Blue Lion Research 2016
242. BMLL Technologies 2014
243. Board Intelligence 2002
244. BondAval 2020-01-01
246. Booly
247. BotCore.AI 2006.0
248. Botodata 2019-01-01
249. BotsCrew 2016-03-01
251. brAIneous 2022.0
252. Brego
253. Bricklane
254. Bridge Link Capital 2018-02-01
255. bridge_ci
256. Brightmast
257. BrightSun 2013
260. Bubbleit
261. Bumper
267. BVNK 2021-09-01
268. Byte
269. Caena
271. Calliper
272. Callsign 2012-01-01
273. Camdenai
275. Cannyx Markets 2019
276. Cappui
279. Cascade.bi 2014
280. Cashaa 2016
282. Caterlyst 2006
283. Causal
284. Cazana 2013-01-01
285. Cazoo
286. Celaton 1993
287. Cervest 2016
288. Cervus 2013.0
289. Ceverine
290. ChainLabs
291. Chainvine 2015-06-01
296. CharlieHR
297. Chaser 2013-05-07
298. Chatterbox Labs 2010
299. Chattermill 2015
302. Checkout 2009-05-22
303. Checkout.com 2012-01-01
304. Cheerfy 2015
305. Chetwood Financial 2016-01-01
306. Chip
308. Chorus Intelligence 2011-01-01 00:00:00
311. churnly
312. CINERATE 2020
313. Circadian 2016
314. CircleLoop
315. Circulor 2017
318. CityFALCON
319. CKX
320. Claimer
321. Clariti AI 2019.0
323. Clear AI 2018
324. ClearMacro 2014-01-01
326. ClearScore
327. Cleo 01-01-2016
330. Client Stream 2014
333. Climate X 2020-12-31
334. Cllimate X
335. Closir
337. Cloud Orca
339. CloudCX
340. Cloudit
342. CloudPay 1996
344. CloudShift
345. Clout
347. CNS 1987-01-01
348. Coadjute 2018
349. Coconut 2006
350. Codat
351. CodeMonk 2020.0
355. Cognino
356. Cognism 2015
358. Cognitochain 2018
359. Cogwise
360. Coinfirm 01.01.2016
361. CoinMarket
362. Colendi 2/1/16
363. Colofinder
364. Combine AI
365. Comidor
371. Comparesoft 2016
373. ComplyAdvantage 2014
374. Complygate 2018
376. Concept Dairy 2019-08-23
377. Concirrus 2012-06-01
379. Connectd 2019-10-01
381. ContactEngine 2005
382. Contexxt 2012-10-11
383. Contingent
385. Converge 2017-01-01
386. Conversion.com 2007
387. Conversix
389. Coolio
390. CoolSpools
391. Corax 2013-08-02
392. Cordless
393. Corestrat
394. Corizance 2018
396. CourtCorrect 2019-01-01
397. CourtQuant 2018
398. CoVi Analytics 2015
399. Cowa
400. Crank CRM
401. Creative Virtual 2003
402. CRED
403. CreditEnable 2017
405. CRM Bot 2020.0
406. Crossing35 2017
408. Crozdesk 2014
410. Crypto Jobs Daily 2020
412. Ctalk
413. Cube Intelligence 2017
414. CUBE3 AI 2022.0
415. Cubicfort
416. CUDOS
417. CultureAI 2015.0
419. Curate42
421. Currencycloud 2012-01-01
422. Curve 2008
424. Cyber Bee
425. Cybertonica 2015
426. CybSafe
429. Cyscale 2018
430. CyStellar 2017-01-01
431. Cytora 2014-01-01
432. DAIZY
434. Dala
438. Data Scout
440. datablock
441. Databroker 2009
442. DataBud
443. Datactics 1999-01-01 00:00:00
444. DataEQ
445. DataGardener 16.04.2020
446. Datahoard 2017
447. DataHub
448. DataOJO 2017-01-01 00:00:00
449. DataPillar
450. Dataseat
451. Datasmoothie 2014
452. Datatonic 2015
453. datatrack 1979
454. DataTune
455. Datawiz.io 2013-01-01
456. Datore
460. Decimal
462. deephound 2018-05-01
463. Deloitte
465. Demo Data
466. Derisk360
468. Dexi 2015
469. Dext 2010-08-30
470. Digica
471. Digilytics AI 2018.0
472. Digital Catapult 2013
473. Digital Clipboard 2013
474. Digital Contact 2012
475. Digital Insight 2018
481. DigitalGenius 2013
482. Dimensions 2014.0
483. Disputed
484. Divido 2014-10-01
486. Docstack
487. Dojo
490. Downing Ventures 1986-01-01
492. DropsTab
493. dsp
494. Dualmine
495. Duco 2010
496. Duesday 2016-02-09
498. E-MAILiT 2014
500. Earlybird
501. Earth 2
502. EasyCode
504. Ebury 2009
506. Economit
507. EDBucket
508. EDEE
509. Edgefolio 2013-04-01
511. eFileReady
512. Eigen Technologies 2015
513. Eilla AI
514. Elcom UK
515. Elective Technology 2018-08-20
517. Elerian AI
518. Elevanto
520. Elliptic 2013
521. Elpis Investments 2017
525. EMIS
526. Emneo
528. Encompass
529. Endava
530. Enforcd 2015
531. EngageCRM
532. Engagely.ai 2012.0
535. Enterprai
538. Entrepreneur First 2011-09-01
539. Envelop Risk 2016-01-01
540. Equilibrium 2018-11-13
543. Ernest 2015
544. ESG Book
545. Essentia Analytics 2013
548. Etiq AI 2019.0
550. Etymo
551. Euler 2020-09-07
552. EUON
554. Evalu-8
555. Everlink
559. Expend
560. ExportData
561. EyesClear 01.01.2016
562. Facctum
563. FactEntry 2008
564. Fan360
565. Faradai 2017.0
566. Farming Dynamics 2019-11-07
567. Featurespace 2008
568. FeedbackRig 2017
569. FeedStock 2015
570. FeeLYX 2015
571. Fetch.AI 2017
572. Fetcha
573. Feusd Ltd
576. Fimple
577. FinanceGPT
578. Finboot 2016
579. FindME
580. Findr 2020
581. Fineazy 2018-05-01
582. Finexos
583. Finextra
584. FinGenius 2013-01-01
585. Finley AI
586. FinSMEs
587. Finspire
588. FINTECH Circle 2014
590. FintechOS 2017
591. Fintegrate
592. Fintellect
593. Fintern 2020-01-01
594. FINTRAIL 2016-01-01
595. FinXGlobal
598. Fiskl
599. Fixflo
600. flatfair 2016-11-01
601. Flock 2015-01-01
602. Flotek
603. Flow XO
604. Fluar
605. Fluency 2019
606. Fluidly 2016
607. Flux Systems 2016
608. Fluxifi 2013
609. FNA 2013
610. FNZ
612. Folio.ID
613. Football Fan 2019
615. Forecast 2016
616. ForecastThis 2016
617. Form3 2016-01-01
618. Fortuitapps 2014
619. frame.ai
620. Freetrade 2016-02-01
621. Frontdoor
623. Fuinteso
624. FundApps 2010-09-17
625. Fundflow
626. Funding Circle 2010-08-22
630. Futr 2017
631. Futrli
633. Fuzey
637. GainX ltd
638. GamePLAI
639. Gapsquare 2017
641. Gatekeeper
643. GaugeLabs
647. Genie AI 2017
648. GeoDB 2019-01-01 00:00:00
650. GigaFare Limited 2013
657. Glocomms
658. Glyphic AI 2022.0
659. Go Live UK
660. GoCardless 2011-01-01
661. GodelCloud
662. GoMe
663. Goodloans
665. Grad DNA 2015
667. GrapeData
668. Grath
670. GreenflyAI 2019
671. Griffin 2016-01-01
672. Groundobs
673. GrowthEnabler 2015
675. Gtn Ltd
676. GTN Ltd.
678. Habito 2015
679. hAIbooks
680. Hammock
681. Harbr
682. HARNESS Data Intelligence 2016-12-12
684. HASH
686. HD Protech
687. HeapX 2018
689. HedgeWiz
690. Heliocor 2014-08-30
692. HelloSoda 2013
695. Herodotus
696. Heroes
697. Hippo Data
698. HireBee.ai
699. Hirebolt
700. Hive Aero
701. Hokodo
702. Holland Mountain 2009
703. Holograph
705. Hometrack 1999
706. homie.rent
707. Hoptroff
710. Housify
711. Houzen 2017
712. HSBC 1865-01-01
713. HSBC 1865-01-01
714. Hubble 2013
716. Human
717. Humanotics 2017.0
718. Humley 2014
719. Humn.ai 2017
720. Hutoma 2015
722. Hypertune
723. i2B
724. iCede 2012-09-02
727. ICS.AI 1994
728. ID5
730. iDeals 2008
731. Idenfo
732. Ignition Ai 2014.0
733. IHS Markit 1959-05-22
734. Ilumoni
735. ILV Ltd
737. IMEX
738. ImmVRse 2017
739. Imperium Compliance 28.04.2018
740. Impreza IT
741. In4capital
742. Inai
744. Inawisdom 2016
745. inBeta
746. iNBOTiQA
749. InEn
750. Infinian 2017
751. Inflo 2016-01-01
754. Informa 1998-12-22
756. Inicio AI 2020.0
760. Innovify
761. Inovest AI
762. Insig AI
764. Insurdata
767. Insurtic
770. Intellectual Investments 2012-04-01
772. Intelliagg 2011-06-06
775. Intelligent Voice 1990
777. Interpretive 2014
780. Intuita
782. Inuvana
783. Invema
784. inventtory Ltd 2014
785. InvestAlert.ai 2022.0
786. investorAi
787. Invoice IT
788. Ion Industries Ltd 2016-08-10
789. iotec 2013
791. ipushpull 2014
792. IQlik
795. IT Jack
798. ITAX
799. ITESOFT UK 1984
800. it|venture
801. Iwoca
805. Jaggu
807. JAM
808. Jarmany
809. Jetprocure
811. Jobs The Word 2011-01-01
812. Kaizan 2021.0
813. Kanbina
814. Keatext AI 2010.0
815. Keypla 2016
817. Kinaesis
818. Kippie
820. KITE EDGE LTD 2016
823. KNOCK
824. Know-it
825. Knowsis 2012
826. Koble
827. KogoPAY 2018
828. Kolleno
829. Kompli Global 2016
830. Kore Labs 01.01.2019
831. Kristalic
832. Krowd 2016-01-01
833. Kubik Records 2018
834. Kusiri 2008
835. KYC Hub
837. Landytech
838. LaneTwelve
839. Lantern 2012-01-01
841. Larmer Brown 1984-01-01
844. LawBot
846. Layer
847. Ld8a
848. Lead Onion 2020.0
849. Leaf IT
850. Leania.co
851. LeapCR
854. LemonEdge
855. Lendbox
856. LendInvest 2008-01-01
857. Lendpool
858. LetMC.com
861. Lexyfi
862. Libonomy
864. Ligabis Ltd 2017
866. Limejump 2013
867. Liquid Voice 2005
868. LiveMetrics.io 2016
869. Local Data Company 2003
870. Logical Glue 2012-01-01
871. logicdialog 2017.0
872. Lokulus 2001
874. London Co-Investment Fund 2014-12-04
876. LoopMe 2012
877. LossBook
880. Lowell Group 2004
881. Loyalize 2019
883. Luminance 2015
884. Lunio 2016.0
886. m3ter
887. Maanch 2018
891. MadeFrom
892. Maestrano
896. Mailchain
897. Maji
898. makepositive 2003
900. Manas AI 2018
902. MangoB2B.com 2018
903. Market Inside 2019
904. MarketFinance 2011-01-01
905. Marketing File 1995
906. Marketscan 1982
908. Marlin Green 2010
909. Marshmallow 2017-05-01
910. Mast
911. Matatika
912. Matillion 2011
913. Maxatta Limited 2017-10-23
917. MCO Europe 2014
918. McPhersons
919. MDOTM Ltd.
920. Measure Protocol 2018
922. Meghdhara
923. Memgraph 2016
925. Meshlink
927. Metafused 2013-01-01
929. MicroBlink
930. Microexpert 1983
931. Microgen Plc 1974
933. Mihaibao 2014
936. MIND 1946-01-01
937. Mindpath
938. MindShare
939. Mindzilla 2018
943. Mizar
945. mnAI
946. MO Chain
947. Mobunti
948. MODAL
949. Modex 2017
950. Modulr
951. Mogul News
952. Mojo
956. Monedata
957. MoneyBox
958. Moneybrain 2016
959. MoneyDrome Ltd 2015
961. Moneyveo
962. MonoChain 2018
963. Monzo 2015-02-18
967. Motability
969. MOVA
970. Movemeback
972. MPower
973. MQube 2018
975. MuchBetter
976. Mudano 2014
977. Multibase
978. Multiply 2016
979. MW PLC UK
981. myCircle
982. MYHSM 2018-01-01
986. Napier 1984
989. Natterbox 2009
992. Neo AI
994. Neon 1897
995. Neon Century Intelligence 2014-07-07
996. Nerodata 2010
997. Netagio
998. NetBorn
999. Netcraft
1000. NetNow
1001. Network Science 2020.0
1004. Neurons Lab 2018
1006. NewTradeR.AI
1007. NewVoiceMedia 2000
1008. NexBotix
1009. Nexo 2017
1010. Nexus FrontierTech 2015
1011. Niche Skills 2004
1012. Nimbitech
1013. Nimbla 2016-06-04
1014. Nivaura
1015. NLSQL 2018
1016. Noble 2016
1017. NorthStar
1018. NovaFori
1019. Novum Insights 2016-08-01
1020. Nr2
1021. Nuggets 2016
1022. Numerous
1023. Nuon AI 2020-03-30
1024. Nutmeg 2011-01-01
1026. OakNorth Bank 2015
1028. Obsidian AI Advisors 2010.0
1029. OCEAN
1030. OCR Labs
1031. Octopaye
1033. Omenics 2018
1034. Omnio 2018-05-01
1035. OmniPATH.AI
1036. One & Only Pro 2008
1037. OneReceipt
1038. OneShot.ai 2021.0
1039. Onetouch
1040. Onfido 2012
1041. Onfolk
1042. Onyx Data
1044. Opalcrest
1045. Open Risk Exchange 2015
1046. Opinyin
1047. Optalitix 2013
1049. Optumis
1051. Orbitil
1052. Orca 2015
1054. OrderPay
1055. OREN
1056. Ortharize
1057. Ortoo
1058. Oseven Telematics 2015
1059. Ota Insight
1060. Outra 2016
1061. Outreachly 2021.0
1062. Oval Money 2016
1065. Oyler 2019
1067. Pace 2020-06-02
1068. Pace Revenue
1070. Paddle
1071. Paga 05.04.2009
1074. Paid
1075. Pangea.ai
1077. ParentMail
1078. Parfin 2019-01-01
1081. Pathway AI
1082. PayCaptain
1083. PayGlobal
1084. Payhawk
1085. Paymenex 2007-01-01
1086. Paysafe
1087. Paysend
1088. Paytrix
1089. PayXpert 2008-01-01
1090. Pecen
1091. Pecten
1092. Pelican.ai 1993.0
1093. Pento
1095. Percentageit
1096. Percival
1099. Photocert 2016-05-17
1100. Pigro
1103. PING
1105. Pismo 2015
1106. Pitchstor 2016-01-01
1107. Pivigo 2013
1108. Pixie
1111. PlaceMake.io 2016
1113. Playfair Capital 2013-01-01
1114. PLR
1115. Plural AI 2017
1116. Pockit 2012-01-01
1117. Pollinate
1118. Polygant
1119. Pool Data
1122. Predictiva 2016
1123. Predina Tech 2016-12-01
1124. Prehash
1126. Premind.ai
1128. Previse 2016
1130. Primafelicitas Ltd 2014
1131. PrimaryBid 2012-01-01
1133. Prism 2017-07-01
1134. Procure Ai 2020.0
1135. Prodigy Finance 2007-08-22
1137. Productle
1139. ProFinda 2011
1141. PrognostiX
1142. ProGrad
1144. Project Imagine 2017-01-01
1145. Projected AI 2017
1147. Proportunity
1149. proSapient 2017
1150. ProvidensAI 2015
1151. PubX
1153. Puzzel
1154. Pynk 2018
1156. QGS Technologies 2016-01-01
1157. Qnetix
1158. Qokoon
1159. QPage
1160. QStory 2014.0
1161. Quadrature 2010.0
1162. Quadrature Capital 2010
1163. Quality Clouds 2015
1164. Quantemplate 2013-01-01
1165. Quantexa 2016
1166. QuantiQ
1168. QuantumBlack 2009
1169. Quantumics.AI 2019.0
1170. Quartal Oy 1997-01-01
1171. Qubix
1174. Quin AI
1175. Quvu
1176. R-cubed
1177. Rabipearl 2020
1178. Radius Analytics 01.06.2018
1179. Railsbank 2016-01-01
1180. Railsr
1181. Rainbird Technologies 2013.0
1182. RAMM Science 2017
1183. Rapyd
1184. Rated
1186. RD Land
1187. RDvault
1188. Re:infer
1189. reachAI
1190. Reachal
1191. RealChain
1192. Realfin
1193. Reality +
1195. REalyse 2015
1196. Reason
1197. Recast
1198. Recognyte
1199. Recruitd
1200. Redbourn
1201. Redmill Solutions 2010
1202. Redwood Bank 2017-01-01
1203. RedZebra Ltd. 2011
1204. Reef Finance
1205. Refinitiv 2018-05-22
1206. RegulAItion
1207. Rekoop
1208. Relai 2015
1209. RemiTech Ltd
1210. Rent View
1211. RenterBuyer
1212. Rep
1213. RepOptim
1215. Retable
1216. Reuben Chase
1217. Revenir
1220. Revolut 2015-07-01
1221. Reward Cloud
1222. Reward Insight 2001
1223. RFI Global
1225. Ringstone
1226. Rinkt
1227. Ripjar 2012-01-01
1228. Riskopy 2015
1229. Robiquity
1230. Robolab Ltd
1231. Robou
1232. Roby.ai 2017.0
1234. Rolabotic
1236. RootspaceAI 2021.0
1237. Ropnoy 2003
1240. Rossum 2017
1241. RoyaltyRange
1242. RPL Mergers
1243. RTP Global 2000-01-01
1244. Rulead
1245. RVU
1246. Ryedale
1247. Ryelore Ai
1249. Sage Group
1250. Salary Finance 2015-01-01
1251. SalesSeek
1254. Sanity OS 2015-08-01
1256. Satellite Vu 2016-05-05
1258. Scamalytics
1259. ScanFile
1262. Scoro
1263. Scrub AI
1264. SDL Group
1265. Sdna Tech
1267. Seatfrog
1268. SeedCloud 3/6/13
1269. Seeker UK
1270. Selima
1272. Semeris
1273. Sensitrust 2019
1274. Sensyne Health 2018-01-01
1275. Sentient Machines 2016
1277. Sentiment
1278. SentiSum 2017
1279. Setyl
1280. Sgnal
1281. Sharegain 2015-01-01
1282. Sharktower AI 2020
1283. Sharpe Capital 2015
1285. Shinrai 2014
1286. Ship Shape
1287. SHL
1288. Shufti Pro
1289. Sibyl AI 2018-01-01
1290. Sibylla AI
1291. Sidekick
1292. SIFA AI
1293. SIGMA Financial AI 2021.0
1294. Signa X
1295. Signator
1296. SIGTech
1297. Sikoia
1298. Silicon Investing 2015
1299. SilkFlo
1301. Simplifi
1302. Simply 2016-11-01
1303. Simply Bots
1305. Simudyne 2017
1308. SiteScan
1310. Skillennials
1311. Skimlinks
1312. Skyline Partners 2017-07-19
1313. Skyron
1317. smartKYC 2014
1319. Smartpipe Solutions 2013
1321. Smoogs.io 2015
1322. Snoop
1323. Sns Analytics 2017
1324. SO-SURE 2016-01-01
1326. Social Extract AI 2020.0
1333. Soldo 2015-01-01
1334. Solex.ai
1335. Solidatus
1337. SolutionJ
1338. SolvedBy.Ai
1342. Sov.ai
1344. SPARK EPoS
1345. SpeedProxies
1346. Speik 2019-01-01
1347. Spektrix
1348. Spencer Rose
1350. Spendkey
1351. SPINR
1352. Spixii 2016-01-01
1354. Springbok AI 2017.0
1355. Sprout.ai 2018.0
1356. Sprytech
1358. Squared.io
1359. Squareify
1360. StackThread Software 2011-01-01
1362. Starling Bank 2014-06-18
1363. Startup Gate
1364. Station10 2011
1365. Stats2Leads
1366. Statys
1367. SteelEye 2017
1369. Sticky Pixel 2015
1370. Stitch 1-1
1371. Stockal
1372. StorkCard
1375. Streamhub 2010
1376. Strive Sales
1379. Sumo Signals
1380. SumUp N/A
1381. Suntri 2017
1384. Superscript
1386. Survey54
1387. Sust Global
1388. Suzugia
1389. SVL
1391. Swash
1394. Switch Concepts 2007
1395. SwitchUp.de
1396. Symbiotica
1400. Synaptiv 2016.0
1401. Synoptica 2015
1402. Synx
1403. T-Impact
1404. TAB 2012
1406. Tactic
1408. TAINA Technology 2016
1410. TalentMicro
1411. TalentTrack
1412. Talkative
1413. Taptap Send
1414. Taxonomics
1415. TaxTris
1416. TechBnk
1418. Techys2u
1419. Teebly 2017
1420. Tellimer
1421. Telos
1422. Tema AI
1423. Tembo Money 2020-04-01
1424. Tenderlake 2016
1425. Terra
1426. Terra Virtua 2016
1427. TerraPay
1429. Texxi Global 2005
1430. Teya
1431. The Access Group 1991-01-01
1432. The ai Corporation 1998.0
1437. The Bot Platform 2011
1440. The Data Agency 1991
1446. The Robot Exchange 2017-01-01
1449. TheKVM
1450. Think ABM
1451. ThinkSense.ai 2017
1452. Thirdfort
1454. Thoucentric
1455. Thought Machine 2014
1458. Tide
1459. Tidyquant
1460. Timeline
1461. Titania
1462. Title Verso
1463. TLS Data
1465. TMT Finance
1466. Toca.io
1467. TokenAnalyst 2017
1468. tomato pay
1469. TORTUS 2022.0
1471. TouchByte 2012
1472. Tovie Ai
1474. Tractable 2014-01-01
1475. Tractable AI
1477. Tradeteq 2016
1479. TradingView 2011-05-22
1480. TrafikLite 2017
1481. Trak Global Group 2009-01-01
1482. Tranch
1483. Transactis
1485. Transfon 2017
1486. Translucent 2001-01-01
1487. Traydstream 2015
1488. TreasurySpring 2016-01-01
1490. TreeCard
1492. Triomnia
1493. Triple13
1495. Trovalo
1496. Trudera 2010
1497. True AI 2015
1498. TrueLayer 2016
1499. Truerent
1500. Truligent 2020-07-01
1501. Trunor
1502. Trust-Hub
1503. Trustable 2021.0
1504. TrustedBI
1505. Trustid
1506. Truvl 2014
1508. TSI World
1509. Turfox
1510. Twice2much
1511. ubisend 2016
1512. Uhive 2018
1513. Uhubs
1515. UnaVista
1516. Uncapped
1519. Union Data
1521. University of Nottingham 1881-01-01
1522. University of Surrey 1966-01-01
1523. Untrite 2015
1524. Uplatz
1525. Upside Saving 2020-01-09
1526. Upside Technologies 2018
1527. Upstream
1528. UQuant
1529. UrbanChain 2017-05-15
1530. Ursium.AI
1531. Util 2017
1532. Uuptick
1534. Validata Group 2004
1535. Valuefy
1537. VCfund.me CrowdDoing
1538. Vegas City
1540. VentureCast
1541. Venturespring 2012
1542. Venturiq
1543. Veridu
1544. Verimuchme
1545. Vertice
1548. Viewsy 2012
1549. Virtual AI
1551. Virtuoso Seed
1553. Vision2Hire
1554. VisionMobile
1556. Volt.io 2019-10-01
1557. Volume 1997
1558. Volution 2021-06-21
1559. Vouch
1560. VoxSmart
1563. Vux World
1564. Vuzo 2017
1565. VYZYO
1566. Wagestream 2018-01-01
1567. wakeflow.io
1568. Wave Mining
1569. WAY2VAT
1570. Wayhome
1571. WealRo
1572. Weavr.io
1573. Wedo.ai 2020.0
1575. WeSee
1578. WeVee 2019-01-01
1579. Whalemap
1581. White Swan 2019-10-14
1582. Whitehat Analytics 2015
1584. WiiA
1586. Wilmington
1587. Win FX Technologies 2018
1588. Winder.AI
1589. Winton Labs Jan 29, 2016
1590. WinWeb
1591. WiRa
1592. Wisdom Works
1593. Wise 2011-01-22
1594. Wiserfunding
1596. Wlmg
1597. Woodhurst
1598. Woodseer Global 2011
1600. Workshare 1999
1603. Worldfree
1606. X88 SOFTWARE
1609. XCOYNZ 2018
1610. Xelix
1611. Xenogenix
1612. xEye
1613. Xilo
1614. xiro
1615. Xoocafe
1616. Xperience
1617. Xploite
1618. XPM
1619. XVERSE 2021
1620. Xworks Tech
1621. Xyenta 2018
1623. Yambina Limited 2009
1624. Yapily 2017
1625. Yechte
1626. Yedup Limited 2016
1628. Yes Ventures
1629. Yobota
1630. Yonder 2003
1631. Yosh.AI 2016-12-05
1632. Zanran
1633. Zappd 2011
1634. Zego N/A
1635. Zenith One 2016
1637. Zenus
1638. Zepz 2010-01-01
1639. Zeruxs
1641. Zinc 2017
1642. Zinia
1644. Zonefox
1645. Zopa 2005-03-22
1646. Ztudium
1648. Zumzum