2. 1 Martian Way 2014-12-20
5. 1Digi
6. 1team.ai 2022.0
11. 3NOT
12. 415 2022
13. 42CAP 2016-01-01
14. 64squares
20. A2DWEB 2017
23. Aagmann.ai 2020.0
24. Aaptum
25. AarogyaAI 2019-05-31
26. Aashna Cloudtech 2003-01-01
32. Accacia 2022.0
34. Accio Robotics 2019-01-01
36. Accomplice 2015-03-01
37. Accubits
38. Accumenta
41. Acies
44. Acrobuild
45. Actalyst 2022.0
46. Actis 1905
47. Activate Venture Partners 1999-10-01
48. Actonate
49. actyv.ai
51. Adagrad AI 2018.0
52. Adapt
53. Addor Capital 15/4/2014
54. Addverb
55. Adjacent 2019-11-01
56. Admatic
58. AdOpsOne
61. Advance Venture Partners Jun 30, 2014
65. Advancit Capital 2011-03-29
66. Adventures Lab 2019
67. AdvisorEY
68. Aereo
70. Aescuvest 2014-01-01
71. AET Fund 2017
73. AFG Partners 2020
75. Afore Capital 2016-08-01
76. Aforeserve 2000-01-01
79. AfricInvest 1994-01-01
80. AfterDox 2007-03-10
81. Agate Medical Investments 2007-01-01
82. AGC 1907-01-01
83. AGCO
84. Agent Capital 2017-01-01
85. AgFunder 2013-09-01
89. Agility Capital 2000-06-09
90. Agility Ventures 2004
92. Agrex.ai 2016.0
93. Agri Vie 2008
94. AgriTech Hub 1905
95. AgroTribe
96. Ahoy Capital 2018
97. Ahren Innovation Capital 2017-01-01
99. AI Capital 2017-07-01
104. AI Testified 2020.0
106. AiBorne Tech 2020-10-01
110. Aidiom
111. AiDOOS
112. Aikon Labs
114. Aimliot 2017
116. Aindra 2012-01-01
117. AInetix
121. Aiotize
122. Aiozium 2019
123. AIQRATE 2019.0
127. AiroCorp 2013
128. AirTree Ventures 2014-06-01
129. AirTrip
130. Aisling Capital 2000-01-01
131. AISpeech
132. Aistar Ventures 2016
134. AIThinkers
135. Aitium Ai 2022.0
137. Aiwozo
139. Ajax Health 2017-01-01
140. Ajira
141. Ajoopa 2018
142. Aju IB Investment 1974
143. Akatsuki 2010
144. Aker
145. Akira AI 2023.0
146. AKITUA 2005
147. Akkadian Ventures 2010-01-01
148. Alabaster 2018-01-01
149. Alacrity India 2017
152. Albatross Investment 2008-01-01
153. Alberts Impact Ventures 1885-01-01
154. AlbionVC 2004-01-01
155. Album VC 2014-01-01
156. Alcazar Capital 2007-01-01
157. Alchimia Investments 2017-01-01
158. Alcon
159. aldeA Ventures 2020
160. Alerion Ventures 2014-01-01
162. Alexandria 1994-01-01
164. Alexia Ventures 2019-12-13
165. Alfabeat 2015
166. Alfalak
167. Algomage
170. AlgoShack
174. Alibaba Group 1999
177. AlienHu
181. Alkemi Venture Partners 2018-01-01
182. Alkeon Capital 2001-12-10
185. Allen & Company 1922-01-01
187. Allerin
188. Alliance DAO 01.01.2020
189. Alliance of Angels 1997-01-01
190. Allianz X 2013-01-01
193. Allievo Capital 2019-10-01 00:00:00
194. Allin Capital 2016-01-01
198. allygatr
199. Alma Mundi Ventures 2015-01-01
200. Almaz Capital 2008-01-01
201. Almeda Ventures 2020-07-01
202. Almi Invest 2009
203. Almug Technologies 2015.0
204. Aloft VC
207. Alpana Ventures 2016-01-01
208. alpes.ai
211. Alpha Edison 2016-01-01
213. Alpha Intelligence Capital 2018-01-01
214. Alpha JWC Ventures 2015-01-01
215. Alpha Square Group Dec 2015
216. Alpha Wave Global 2012-01-01
217. Alphabet 2015-10-02
218. AlphaCode Club 2015
219. AlphaLab 2008
220. alphamu
223. Alpine Meridian 1987-01-01
224. Alpine Ramble Treks May 4, 2011
226. Alsop Louie Partners 2006-12-01
227. ALSTIN Capital 2018-01-01 00:00:00
229. Alta Life Sciences 2016-01-01
231. AltaIR Capital 2010-01-01
235. Altimeter Capital 1/1/2008
236. Altira Group 1996-01-01
239. Altorise 2014
240. Altos Ventures 1996-01-01
242. Alumot VC
243. Alven 2000-01-01
247. Amasia 2013-01-01
249. Amazon Jul 5, 1994
250. Amazon Alexa Fund 2015-01-01
252. Ambilio
254. Amdocs
255. AME Cloud Ventures 2012-01-01
256. Amenity Technologies 2020.0
257. American Express Ventures 2011-01-01
259. Amicus Capital 1998
260. Amicus.ai 2021.0
262. Amidzad Partners 1998-01-01
263. Amikus AI
264. Amino Capital 2012-09-01
265. Amino Collective 2020-01-01
266. Amplepac
267. Amplifi 2017
268. Amrita TBI 2008
269. Amura Health 2019.0
270. AmyGB
275. Anek.ai
276. Angular Ventures 2018-01-01
278. Annoberry
281. AnswerWise
285. Anyboli
288. Appaie 2014
289. AppBrowzer 2015-01-01
295. Applied AI Course 2017.0
298. AppMix
299. AppRadius
303. Apptomate
304. Aprecomm
305. Aptlyf
306. aptplan.ai 2014.0
307. Apware
308. AQC Capital 2012-01-01
311. Arbaan
313. Arcgate
315. Archimedes Labs May 1, 2005
318. Arete Ventures Jun 14, 2003
319. ArimaTech.ai 2020.0
321. Ark Robot
322. Arm Accelerator Sep 7, 2015
324. ARMUR 2022.0
326. Aroliant
327. Arraykart
328. ArrowAI
329. Artelus
330. Articbot 2017
331. Artiligent
332. Artiscien
333. Artob.AI 2021.0
335. Arya.ai 2013.0
337. Asanify
339. AspectWise
341. Assert AI
342. Assesshub
343. Asteria Aerospace 2011-01-01
344. Astralogic 2021.0
345. At Once Health 2020.0
346. atai 2018.0
347. atdata
350. Atinum Partners 2009-01-01
351. Atlanta Ventures 2012
352. Atom Infotech 2013-02-08
353. Atreyo
354. Attestr
355. Audi India
356. Augle A.I.
357. Augle AI
358. AugLi
359. Augnito
362. Auliv
365. Auroinfo
368. AustCyber 2017-01-01
371. AuthBase 2017-01-01
372. Authentic Ventures 2016-04-12
376. Autogram 2017
377. Autoheaven
378. AutoInfer
380. AutomationFactory.AI 2020.0
381. AutoO2
382. AutoSpect AI 2022.0
383. Autosure.ai 2019.0
385. Avaana Capital 2018-01-01
386. Avataar 2014.0
387. Avenoir 2019.0
388. AVERA AI Mobility 2015.0
389. Aves Lair 2020-01-01
392. Awarathon
393. Awaz
394. Awesummly
395. Awiros
396. aws Fondsmanagement GmbH 1954-01-01
398. Axelcon
399. Axess Ventures 2016-01-01
400. Axilor Ventures 2014-01-01
404. Ayata Intelligence 2016
406. B.K.Air Systems 2008.0
407. BADIR 2007
409. Balnc 2018-07-06
410. BananaShop.ai 2021.0
414. Bautomate
415. BCT DIGITAL 1999.0
416. BDB.ai 2015.0
417. Beatoven.ai 2021.0
419. BEEU Tech
420. Bellboi
422. Beltech AI 2020.0
424. Benovymed Healthcare 2017-11-01
425. BEPEC 2014-01-01
426. Beringea 1988-01-01
428. Bert Labs
430. Bestinhere
431. Betterhalf 2016.0
434. Bharati Robotic Systems 2015-02-04
437. BigShyft
445. Bitronics
446. Bitscisys
449. Bizzpaa
451. BlackRock 1988-01-01
452. BlackX
453. BlitzAI
455. Bloomberg Beta 2013-01-01
458. BluePal
459. bluetick.ai 2019.0
461. BMW India
462. Bobble AI 2015.0
463. boman.ai
464. BonAngels Venture Partners 2007-01-01
465. BookUs.ai
468. BOT Shreyasi 2019-01-01
470. BotMyWork
471. Botosynthesis 2019-01-01
474. bOtskOOl
475. Bounce 2020-01-01 00:00:00
476. Bourdaina
477. boxx.ai 2016
479. Brainasoft
480. Brainguru Technologies 1989-07-21
483. Brevids
487. Broodle
488. Bsharp 2015-01-01
489. Buildpan
490. Buizket
491. Bulian AI 2022.0
493. Business Finland 1983-01-01
494. Byte Prophecy 2016
495. Bytedge
497. CadenceIQ
501. Caliche
502. Callbell Security 2017-02-07
503. Callify.ai 2016.0
504. CamCom
507. Canica 1985-01-01
510. Capshun 2018
511. CardByte 2020.0
513. CARS24 2015
514. CarX
515. CASA Retail AI 2016.0
517. Casemine
518. Cassini
520. Cedlearn
525. Chapter.AI
526. Chatveda
529. Chistats
532. cimplify.ai 2022.0
533. Citriot
537. Claire.ai 2017.0
538. ClanConnect 2019.0
539. Clari5 (CustomerXPs) 29.07.2006
541. ClasifAI
542. ClearFeed 2021.0
544. Clevertize
545. ClickPost 2015.0
546. ClimeUp 2022.0
547. Clinion 2010-02-06
548. Clippr
549. Clodura 2015
550. Clofus
552. Clonizo.ai 2017.0
553. Cloobot Techlabs 2019.0
554. Cloudaeon
556. CloudFence.ai 2021.0
558. Cloudinit
559. Cloudkul 2015-01-01
561. CloudSEK
562. Cloudzies
563. Clove.AI
564. Clutch AI 2017.0
565. Cluzters.ai 2017.0
568. Codeasy 2022.0
570. Codecafe 2018-07-06
571. Codefest
579. CodingHero 2020.0
580. CoffeeMug 2020.0
581. Coforge
582. Cognious
584. Cogniquest.AI 2020.0
585. Cognirel
587. Cogniticx
588. CogniX
589. Cogno AI
590. Cognologix
592. Cogvision.ai 2020.0
593. Coine.ai 2020.0
594. Coldpress AI 2022.0
595. Collotech
596. CollPoll 2013
597. Colopl Next 2015-02-10
599. Com Olho
601. CompIndia
607. Contify
610. Convin 2020.0
611. Convosense.ai 2021.0
612. Copilotly
613. Coresonant
615. CoRover
616. Cotocus
617. Coulomb AI
618. Counterpoint Global 2018-01-01
619. Coviam
620. Cranium IT
622. Creativz.ai 2022.0
624. CREDmitra
625. CredoHire 2022.0
626. Cretorial 2020.0
628. Cron AI 2015-01-01
629. Cron Labs
631. Cropin
633. Crowdfire
634. Cruxbot
635. Cryptoxie
637. CTD Techs
638. Cubicx'PVT
639. Cuddle AI
641. Curadigm Datalytics 2018-01-01
642. Curefina 2020-01-01
643. CureSee
644. CustomFit.ai 2019.0
645. CVViZ 2016
647. CyberMIS
648. Cyberport Hong Kong 2011-01-01
649. CyborgIntell 2018-02-26
650. CynLr
654. Daiwa Corporate Investment 1983-10-20
655. Dalalstreet.ai 2019.0
656. Danalitic
658. DARPA 1958-02-07
659. Darwinbox
661. Data Jango
663. Data Peace
668. Datachamps
669. Datacluster Labs 2021.0
670. DataFotis 2020.0
672. DataHelp Software 2016-10-07
673. Datahive Labs 2019.0
674. Datakalp
676. Datalligence AI 2020.0
678. DataToBiz
679. datatwin.ai 2019.0
680. DataZone.ai 2022.0
682. Datoin 2015
683. DaveAI 2016.0
684. Day1 Technologies 01.01.2016
685. DBS Bank 1968
686. DCirrus
688. decodem.ai
691. Deep Trading 2016-01-21
692. Deepleeds
693. DeepLobe
694. Deepneura
695. DeepNeuron
696. DeepPulse
697. DeepQuanty
698. Deepsync 2018
700. DeepTek
701. DeepVisionTech.AI 2018.0
703. DEFT
705. DeltaX
706. descign
707. DeskSight.AI 2020.0
709. Desmaco
711. Deuglo
712. DEWII
714. dharma.h
715. DheeYantra
716. Dhiyo.ai
717. Diagonal Consulting 2019.0
718. DiFACTO
719. Difenz
720. Differential Ventures 2017-01-01
722. Digicorp
723. digid.ai 2016.0
725. Digiledge
726. Digital Sherpa 2017.0
727. Digitap.ai 2019.0
728. Dilaton 2019.0
730. Diycam
731. dMACQ 2011-01-01
732. DMWare 2009-06-01
733. DocEV
734. DOCONVID AI 2020.0
739. Doxper 2015-03-27
741. Dozee 2015
742. Draper B1 2010
743. Drapezy
745. Drify
746. DroitCloud
747. Drona Automations 2019-01-01
749. DS Group
751. Dubverse
752. Durchbruch
753. Dwarf AI
754. Dynalog
755. Dynopii
759. E42.ai 2012.0
760. eAgeIT
761. Eagles Fund 2015-07-21
762. EagletFly
763. Earl Grey Capital 2020-01-01
764. EatKind
767. Eco Impulse 2016-01-01
768. EcoOrbit Solutions 2021.0
770. Edubuk
771. EDUDE 2019.0
773. Eduk8me 2021.0
774. Edureify 2018
775. Edustack 2020.0
776. EduVersity
777. eedge.ai
779. Ekzen Robotics 2017-01-01
780. Elaia 2002-01-01
783. Elight-SPM
786. ELRO AI 2021.0
787. Emerald Technology Ventures 2000-01-01
788. EMRx
789. Enaar 2019.0
790. Enerzy Solar 2021.0
792. Enmovil 2016.0
793. Enovate
794. Enquiry.ai 2020.0
796. Enthu.AI
798. EOS VC Fund 2016-01-01
799. Epitome.ai
800. Equations Work 2011.0
801. ERA.AI 2017.0
802. Ericsson 1876
805. euprime
806. EuropeanPioneers 2014-01-01
807. Eventosaur
808. Eventozo
809. Eviox Tech
810. Exotel 2011
811. Expertia AI 2020.0
813. Explurger
814. Exponentia.ai 2014.0
816. ExtraaEdge
817. EyeROV
821. Factacy.ai 2020.0
823. Factri.Ai
824. FalconAVL
827. Fedo 2017
828. Fenixwork
829. Fidelity 1946-01-01
833. Finbot
834. FinBox 2015
835. Findbetter 2022.0
836. Finkraft 2017.0
838. Finstein 2020.0
839. First Rays Venture Partners 2020-01-01
841. Fisheyebox 2013
842. Flabrr
843. Flickstree 2014
845. FlowDash
846. FloWorks 2021.0
847. Fluid AI
848. Flywheel Ventures 2002
849. Foundation Medical Partners 2001-10-23
850. Foyer
851. FreightFox 2020.0
857. Fundflo Technologies 2021.0
858. Fundinno
859. Fundly 2009-03-01 00:00:00
860. Futureschool.AI 2020.0
861. Gaadizo
864. Genic AI 2016.0
866. GIC 1981-05-22
867. GigHub 2017.0
868. GiveMeFive.ai 2019.0
869. Global PayTech Ventures 2021-01-01
870. Goals101
872. Gooey.AI 2022.0
873. Gotham Green Partners 2017-01-01
874. Gravity AI
876. Gridzy 2016.0
877. Griffyn Robotech 2018-02-14
878. Grit Ventures 2014-08-01
879. Grovth
880. Grow Fit 2015-09-01
881. Growen Grow 2022.0
882. GrowthTank.ai 2021.0
883. Gypsee.ai 2020.0
884. Haerbin Chuangxin Tou 2002-01-01
886. happycoding.ai 2019.0
887. HappyMongo
888. HCVC 2015-01-01
889. Headway.ai
891. HEAPS.ai
892. HelloKidney.ai 2022.0
893. heu.ai 2009.0
894. Highway1 2013-06-01
895. HILTI
896. Homlot
897. Hongshanhu
898. HONO.ai 2016.0
899. Hostinap
900. Hotelplex
901. Huaying
902. Hunar.AI 2022.0
903. Hypermine
904. i3systems.ai 2016.0
906. iarani AI
907. iarani.ai 2012.0
908. IdeaClicks 2015
911. iEngage.ai 2008.0
912. Ignosis 2022.0
915. iMemori.ai 2020.0
916. IMM Private Equity 2006-01-01
918. impulze.ai
920. Indrones 2015-06-17
921. Industry.AI 2010.0
922. iNetra 2020.0
923. Infiction labs 2014-01-01
924. Infino
926. Inkers Technology 2015.0
928. Innogle 2019-04-01
929. Innovation Hacks AI 2022.0
931. Insight Capital 2016
932. InstaFinancials 2016
933. Intellica.AI 2019.0
941. Invadex
942. Inviz AI 2019.0
943. Inxite Out
945. IPHawk 2017
948. Jenson Funding Partners 2012-01-01
951. JobsXS
952. JOBZI 2022.0
953. JOTTER.AI 2017.0
954. jtangoVC
955. jumpingMinds 2021.0
956. Jungroo Learning 2018
958. KamerAI
959. Kancha.in
960. KarmaLifeAI 2020.0
961. KEBS 2018.0
962. Kenyt.AI 2017.0
964. Kimberlite 2022.0
965. Klowdx 2017
966. KnowDis Data Science 2018.0
967. Knowmax 2017.0
968. Kolon Investment 2000-01-01
970. Kooki 2013
974. krab.ai 2020.0
977. Kwantics
978. KYSS ai 2019.0
979. LabelOps 2020.0
981. LaunchBox 2018.0
982. Launchship
983. leadzen.ai
984. Leapmax 2019.0
985. Learning Spiral AI 1999.0
986. LearnQ.ai
987. Leverage Edu 2017
988. Life and Limb 2020.0
989. Lifio.ai 2022.0
991. LimeChat 2020.0
992. Linecraft AI 2018.0
994. LOGIBEE 2020.0
995. Logikal.ai
997. Lowe's Innovation Labs 1946-01-01
998. Loyalytics AI 2015.0
1000. Luminate.ai 2018.0
1001. LVT Capital
1002. Lydnow
1003. Mahindra Partners 2010
1006. MangoHomz
1007. Manthan 2003
1008. Manufapp
1010. markey.ai 2021.0
1011. Marmin Tech
1012. Maryland Venture Fund 1994-01-01
1013. Matchday Ai 2022.0
1014. MatSci AI 2018.0
1015. McBird
1016. MDassistAI 2019.0
1018. MedPlotz 2022.0
1019. MEDTEK AI 2021.0
1020. Medvolt 2021.0
1021. MeetyngAI 2015.0
1022. Mekvahan
1023. Mellon AI
1024. MellonAI 2019.0
1025. Melvano
1026. Mentorpal.ai 2022.0
1028. Meridian Capital 2008-01-01
1029. Metanoa 2019.0
1031. Metayb 2022.0
1032. Mihup 2016.0
1033. minto.ai 2018.0
1034. MIRAT 2016.0
1039. MoneyCapitalAI 2021.0
1040. Mool
1041. Morph.ai 2016.0
1042. Morphle Labs
1043. MPS 2018
1044. mSense AI 2018.0
1046. Multiples
1047. MY EDEN AI 2022.0
1049. myFreight.ai 2022.0
1050. MyWays.ai
1051. NagStud 2017
1052. Nanabianca
1053. Nativebyte
1054. NatureDots 2019
1055. Navana.ai 2018.0
1056. Nazca Ventures 2012-09-01
1057. NearBuzz
1058. Nected 2022.0
1059. Needl.ai 2019.0
1060. Neewee 2014.0
1063. NetBook 2021.0
1064. Nettoraid
1065. NeuralGarage
1066. Neurals.ai 2021.0
1067. NeuranceAI
1068. Neurapses
1069. NeuroLaunch 2014-07-01
1071. Newron
1072. Newsta.ai 2021.0
1073. Nex Robotics 2006-01-01
1074. Nexart
1076. nicheBrains 2021.0
1077. Nimeya.ai 2021.0
1078. NIMOY.AI
1079. Nirnay AI 2020.0
1080. Niti AI 2022.0
1081. Nordic Alpha Partners 2017-10-01
1083. NotHuman.ai
1085. Nurture Labs
1086. Nurturebox 2020.0
1087. Nyxion
1088. Oas36ty
1089. octopus
1090. OneBanc 2019.0
1091. Onward Assist 2017.0
1092. Oottru Technologies 2013-01-01
1093. Orbuculum 42736
1094. orcablue.ai
1095. OurEye.ai
1096. Outdo Inc
1098. ParentOf 2015
1099. PcsInfinity
1100. Perceptrons
1102. Personate.ai
1103. PhiBonacci AI 2019.0
1104. PhotonDelta
1105. PiChain
1106. Pickl.AI 2021.0
1107. Pinbot 2017.0
1108. PipeIt 2023.0
1109. Pipli.ai 2020.0
1111. Pixelayers
1112. Pixika.ai 2015.0
1113. Pixuate
1114. PJ Tech Catalyst 2012
1116. Playment 2015
1117. Playpoint.AI
1123. Predis.ai
1124. Presage Insights 2021.0
1126. Presentations.AI 2018.0
1127. Prime Venture Partners 2011-01-01
1128. ProCohat
1132. Propellor.ai 2016.0
1134. Proso.ai 2020.0
1135. Protectt.ai 2020.0
1137. Proxzar
1138. Prudent AI 2020.0
1139. PsyTech 2021.0
1141. Qingsong Fund 2012-06-01
1143. Quake Capital Partners 2016-04-12
1146. Quantelabs 2011.0
1149. Quantta Analytics 2012
1150. Quantum Data Engines 2011.0
1151. QuantumGrowthAI 2018.0
1152. Qubit AI
1153. QuickReply.ai 2021.0
1154. Quinbay
1155. Quippy
1158. Rachnaye
1159. Raindrops AI 2014.0
1160. Rainmaker Infotech 2020.0
1161. Ramsoft Technologies 1984-01-01
1164. RB Robotics
1165. RBG.AI 2020.0
1166. RecogX.AI 2018.0
1167. Recotap
1168. Recrutist
1170. Redalpine 2007-01-01
1172. Reflex Capital 2012-07-01
1173. Renee.ai 2014.0
1174. Retail Pulse 2020.0
1176. Reveal AI Technologies 2017.0
1178. Rheingau Founders 2011-01-01
1179. Rhizicube 2021.0
1181. RightClick.AI 2020.0
1182. RineX
1183. RoadMetrics 2019-07-01
1184. Roanuz
1185. Robokidz
1186. Robolab Technologies Pvt Ltd 2013-09-13
1189. Roboticspare
1190. Rockmetric
1192. RPASoft 2020.0
1193. Runrate 2021.0
1194. Saarathi.ai
1196. SaleAssist.ai 2020.0
1198. Samkhya.ai 2019.0
1199. Sanjan
1200. SarvM.AI 2022.0
1201. Sayint.ai 2016.0
1202. SB Partners
1203. SCIKEY 2016.0
1204. Sconto 2022.0
1205. ScrapeX.ai 2021.0
1206. Seconize 2017-01-01
1207. Selekt.in 2016
1210. Setlmint
1211. Shadaw 2022.0
1212. sharpsell.ai
1214. Shinsei Bank
1215. SigiXtract
1216. SignalX.ai
1217. SigTuple 42209
1219. Sivi AI 2019.0
1220. Skewb Analytics 2022.0
1221. SkillSlash
1222. Skyget 2017.0
1223. SkyServe 2020.0
1224. Smart AI Solutions 2018.0
1225. Smart Hive Automation 2017.0
1226. SMARTAIL 2019.0
1228. SocialDocs
1230. Sologenx
1231. SplineAI 2018.0
1232. Spoonbill 2022.0
1233. Spotle.ai 2018.0
1234. Stantech AI
1235. StarVC 2015-01-01 00:00:00
1236. State of Mind Ventures 2016-01-01
1238. STEPapp
1239. StrataHive
1240. Stream Minds
1241. Stylumia 2015.0
1242. Subtl.ai 2020.0
1244. Sunix AI 2016.0
1246. Superblog.ai
1247. Supertext 2016.0
1250. SwiftChat.AI
1251. Swipe
1252. Synapptra
1254. Taabi Mobility Limited 2022.0
1258. TagWag 2019.0
1261. TalentPlace 2019.0
1262. talkative.ai
1263. Talking Rhino 2019.0
1264. Taram Capital 2020-01-01
1267. Tathastu 2019.0
1268. TDB.ai
1269. Technisanct 2018-01-01
1270. Technotery
1272. TechSlate 2020.0
1273. Techstars 2006-08-01
1277. Techvidvan
1278. TechX.AI 2022.0
1279. TEEMiFY 2015.0
1281. Test Org Victoria4 2010
1283. Tetraa
1286. The eFactory
1287. The ePlane Company 2017.0
1288. The Gradle Builders 2020.0
1289. the homework app 2020.0
1290. The Kitchen - FoodTech Hub 2015-01-01
1293. theCloudTree
1294. thelightbulb.ai 2021.0
1295. Theremin.ai
1296. Thermelgy 2022.0
1297. Thinklytics 2017
1300. TilesView.ai 2016.0
1301. toCode.ai 2016.0
1302. Toolsvilla 2016-08-04
1304. Tranzmeo 2017
1305. TRANZO Digital 2018.0
1308. Trinka.ai 2020.0
1310. TrueGradient 2022.0
1311. Truevision.ai 2016.0
1313. TruVenturo 2009
1315. Tusker AI 2021.0
1316. TuteeHUB
1318. U-SMART.AI 2022.0
1319. U.S. Department of Defense 1947-01-01
1320. UIncept
1324. UnType 2022.0
1325. upcred.ai 2021.0
1326. Upjao 2020.0
1328. Utter AI 2019.0
1329. V Fund Management Jan-16
1330. Valuenaire.ai 2021.0
1331. Vanora Robots 2014
1333. Vartronics Techlabs 2016-01-01
1334. vCard.ai 2018.0
1335. Vectorised AI Labs 2019.0
1337. VERDIS 2015.0
1338. Verizy
1342. VideoVerse 2022.0
1343. vidyo.ai 2021.0
1344. ViHaVe.ai
1345. Vihik cabs
1346. VIKSHRO 2014.0
1347. Village Capital 2009
1348. Villgro USA
1349. Virtual Analytics 2020.0
1350. VisionRival
1353. VitraAI
1354. Vitt.AI 2017.0
1355. Vitti AI 2017.0
1357. Vizzbee
1358. VMentor.ai 2019.0
1359. vobo.ai 2019.0
1360. VOCBOT.AI 2021.0
1361. Vodafone Ventures 2000
1362. Voicezen India 2018.0
1365. Vuk.ai 2018.0
1366. We360.ai 2020.0
1367. WebiBeris
1368. Webify.Ai 2022.0
1369. WEBSOC.AI 2014.0
1370. WEH Ventures
1371. Wellcome Trust 1936-01-01
1374. Wizzy.ai 2019.0
1375. Wordkraft.ai 2022.0
1376. WorkCrew
1377. Wowflux Labs
1378. Wozart
1379. WrdHrd 2021.0
1380. WRU.ai 2017.0
1381. Xane AI 2017.0
1382. XeDigital.ai 2021.0
1384. Xequence
1386. xOne AI 2022.0
1387. Xorstack
1388. xperium.ai 2014.0
1389. Xpro.AI 2020.0
1390. YellowDog
1391. Yijing Capital 2015-01-01
1392. YIMI
1393. Yo!Yumm
1394. Yugen.ai 2020.0
1395. ZappyHire
1396. Zerogons
1397. ZestIOT
1400. Zevi
1402. Zooper
1403. Zscore
1405. zut.ai 2022.0

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